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- Zvirgzdene vai Zviergzdine ir ciems Ludzas novada Zvirgzdenes pagastā, pagasta centrs.
- Franapoles ezers, Iļzeits, Lielais Ludzas ezers, Selekovas ezers, Ūtičovas ezers, Valna ezeriņš, Veserovas ezers, Zviergzdines ezers.
- Photo Zviergzdine ethnographical ensemble Zviergzdine ethnographical ensemble sang about flax and hay
- Songs recordings from this activity Ilžeņa I went to dance with girls Mezhvydi ethnographical ensemble Ruted sun , ruted bee Zviergzdine ethnographical ensemble My brother had Ilža Father and mother argued Raipole ethnographical ensemble I have nine brothers Blonti ethnographical ensemble For who was difficult Pushmucova ethnographical ensemble