Lietojuma biežums :
tugs novecojis
Kārts ar zirga asti un zelta bumbu galā, ko turki lietoja karoga vietā.
Avoti: SV33
Korpusa piemēri
Korpusa piemēri
Šie piemēri no latviešu valodas tekstu korpusa ir atlasīti automātiski un var būt neprecīzi.
- To 'etekniējusi 1995. gadā aizsākusies demogrāfiskā krīze, kā arī kļūdas plānošanā tugus izpētē, jo šādu situāciju iepriekš varēja paredzēt.
- This Convention applies to sea going tugs
- 2 In Latvia ships shall be registered as follows 1 in the Ship Register a ships the maximum length of which is 12 metres and more , b tugs , auxiliary fleet and passenger ships irrespective of length , c fishing vessels irrespective of length if they are utilised for commercial activities at sea , d State service ships irrespective of length , and e yachts
- A general information on the ships and yachts flying the Latvian flag is available in the annual Registered ships and yachts VESSEL ELIGIBILITY AND SURVEY REQUIREMENTS Providing the ownership requrements are met , only the following types of vessels may enter the Latvian Ship Register ships with the the maximum length of 12 metres and more , tugs , auxiliary fleet and passenger ships irrespective of length , fishing vessels irrespective of length used for commercial activities at sea , Government service ships irrespective of length , yachts