Lietojuma biežums :
rapprochement vārds svešvalodā; franču
Normālu, harmonisku attiecību atjaunošana (gk. starp valstīm).
Avoti: SV99
Korpusa piemēri
Korpusa piemēri
Šie piemēri no latviešu valodas tekstu korpusa ir atlasīti automātiski un var būt neprecīzi.
- Even taking into account this , Latvia using economical tools for rapprochement with Nordic
- FR rapprochement des legislations DE Anglechung der Rechtsvorschriften tiesību aktu tuvināšana AM 1 tiesību aktu tuvināšana
- The Prague Summit decision on NATO enlargement , further adherence to the open door policy for the future members , rapprochement between NATO and Russia have become additional factors of strengthening
- approximation The scientific method is carried out with a constant interaction between scientific laws theory and empirical measurements , which are constantly compared to one another FR rapprochement des legislations DE Anglechung der Rechtsvorschriften tiesību aktu tuvināšana AM 1 tiesību aktu aproksimācija
- The priority should be given to the research on the prediction of the development of national economy , optimization of development strategy , factors of economic growth , the effect of the development and risk factors , finding out the sources of investments , specification of the optimal structure of consumption and development funds thus ensuring the rapprochement of national economy of Latvia up to the level of the