Lietojuma biežums :
oceans novecojis
Avoti: LME
Korpusa piemēri
Korpusa piemēri
Šie piemēri no latviešu valodas tekstu korpusa ir atlasīti automātiski un var būt neprecīzi.
- un neizmanto latviešu valodu ( mēs to varam darīt: Place names widespread in English form are used so ( usually countries, capitals, continents, oceans and seas, biggest mountains and mountain ranges and other most known places).
- Informācija internetā http oceans 12. warnerbros . com flash . html
- Distributed in moderate and tropical waters of all oceans
- is oceans of beer and mountains of pride
- Therefore our ships can be seen in ports , seas and oceans all over the world