Lietojuma biežums :
impediments novecojis
Šķērslis, kavēklis.
Avoti: KV
Korpusa piemēri
Korpusa piemēri
Šie piemēri no latviešu valodas tekstu korpusa ir atlasīti automātiski un var būt neprecīzi.
- legal impediments
- 2 tiesas izdevumi atkarībā no konteksta legal impediments juridiski šķēršļi legal measures of constraint juridiski piespiedu pasākumi
- There are some barriers that are applicable to all sectors , while other impediments are specific to the education services sector
- For this offense they were fined by up to 500 Roubles , but if they had signed a declaration that they had no impediments to the particular business , then they were arrested for not more than 6 months
- Cum autem , destructo iam dudum a paganis de Osilia castro Leale , propter importuniatem eorum et alia quaedam impedimenta secus mare non posset residere , in superioribus partibus , ubi tutiorem sibi sedem eligat , terminos sui episcopatus ipsi assignavimus videlicet terram Sackele , Normigunde , Moke , terram Ugenois , Soboliz , Waigele , cum omnibus earum attinentiis