Lietojuma biežums :
backlash vārds svešvalodā; angļu
Pretreakcija, bumeranga efekts.
Avoti: LEV
Korpusa piemēri
Korpusa piemēri
Šie piemēri no latviešu valodas tekstu korpusa ir atlasīti automātiski un var būt neprecīzi.
- Special risk of backlash if entry hopes not satisfied in reasonable time
- Radio Frequency Identification RFID chips caused a backlash when they were released before people were ready for them 19
- Worse still , artists have been actively sidelined in the name of usability , pushed by a backlash movement against web design led by the
- But Susan Faludi of Backlash fame slams anything smelling of girl dom in her article All the President s Flings She accuses women of calling themselves girls to avoid taking responsible and moral actions , preferring to sulk over the damage done to them by nasty guys
- Svarīgi to darīt ir tieši no austrumiem uz rietumiem ( mazāka backlash kļūda)